Thursday, February 20, 2014

New space, new place

In the early fall/late summer, I moved into an apartment. Oddly enough, I took the place of a friend who had a similar shift in life, with my sister, who also had the same shift. It was the first time in years I didn't have to consider someone else's opinion when decorating (I guess my sister's, but she didn't seem to mind). 

One thing that will become apparent very quickly, is that I'm a target addict. Not just a target addict, but a red tag target whore. One who hunts the ends of the aisles for the 70% off stickers, the bumble&bumble double shampoo packs that are now less than half the price of one, the plaid shirt with the sequin color for $6 bucks, the girl who goes to target on her lunch break and walks out spending $100, but who gets a blazer, 2 oxfords, 2 tee shirts, high waist printed skirt, skinny sweatpants and groceries for a week. 
My duvet cover set was $23, blue pillow was $7, my end table, a target online purchase (look on the ends of the aisles in those boxes for some hidden gems!) for $39. I'm sure there are more target purchases in there, but I will keep it at bay. The rest is either thrifted, from my old old room at my parents, left by my friend, or very, very on sale from tjmaxx or marshalls. And although, as I sit there, there are piles of clothes to my right, stacks of jewelry to my left, and my cup of water from last night, its my messy, cozy space.
Our living space. (yes, more target).  Also, on our shelf above, more target clearance fox from the christmas section last year, 90% off, and vintage milk glass. More to come, if we ever get around to picking up to showcase the true warehouse loft glory.

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